2014 Annual Homeowners meeting: New officers elected, state of the neighborhood given

Read the May minutes for highlights from the annual homeowners meeting and other neighborhood news.

Webmaster note: These minutes have been backdated to 5/12/2014 for archival purposes. They were received on 7/7/2014.

Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Secret Woods Homeowners Association (Board minutes included)

Monday, May 12, 2014

Board members in attendance: Dan Flynn, Mark Wnuk, Sharon Snow, Jamie Montgomery, Rob Hagen and Mark Lemmenes. Each was recognized for their area of responsibility.

The meeting was called to order by Acting President Dan Flynn at 7:10p.m and a quorum was certified, last year’s annual meeting minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s Report: Mark Wnuk reviewed the 2013-2014 budget and compared it to the proposed 2014-2015 budget. Recurring expenses increased due to rising service costs. No major projects have been planned at this time. Several CDs are in place which mature over the next 5 years. It takes 75% of the Association’s current annual dues to cover the regular recurring expenses.

Questions about extra pool expenses were addressed as were Questions regarding the weekly cleaning service and expense

A motion was made and seconded to accept the budget for 2014-2015. Motion carried.

Updates: Windscreens on the tennis courts have to be secured on a regular basis. A sign was added regarding behavioral expectations on the tennis courts was posted. Pool signage was replaced, address numbers were added, and lights replaced.

The recent workday addressed the entrance area along Tiger Hole Road and the sidewalk area leading to the mailboxes. Much was accomplished with only a few residents taking part; recommendations were made to improve turnout. New landscaping done at the pool area. A successful November garage sale. Welcome baskets were provided to our new residents.

Dues: Thank you to all who have paid their dues. Reminders have been placed at the mailbox for those who have not yet paid. The deadline is June 1st

Recognitions: Dan recognized the many neighbors whose volunteer work keeps Secret Woods a lovely place to live. We have an amazing group of volunteers and look forward to continuing the trend.

Open Board Positions: The 3 vacancies for the upcoming year were presented and the floor was opened for nominations and/or volunteers for these positions. Mike Byrd volunteered to fill the 1 year term; Pam Miles vol. to fill a 3 year term and Kathryn Frazier was nominated for the last vacancy.

No other nominations were received and the floor was closed. A motion was put forth and seconded to approve the new officers. Motion carried.

Amendments/Resolutions: Sharon Snow reviewed the proposed amendment regarding “Quiet Day” and her reasoning for putting it forward. Discussion followed from many neighbors. The final vote is not due until June 1st

Florida Statute regarding the two procedures for HOAs to levy fines. Much discussion followed with a variety of pros and cons to levying fines.

Neighborhood Drainage: Dan Flynn attended an informative meeting coordinated by Susan Hill regarding the drainage issues of properties abutting Pottsburg Creek. Councilman Redman, Public Works, JEA and others listened to concerns regarding flooding of the creek after rains. Susan is hoping to get dredging to remove built up of silt. Removal of fallen trees is a Public Works function and they will handle if called.

Open Discussion: Loose pets leaving droppings in neighbors’ yards. Please talk with the owners. Recommendation for written “thank you” to the city officials re: Pottsburg Creek meeting. Two storm drains (Lot 1 & Lot 4) back up and overflow when it rains. Reminder needed that the recreation facilities are for residents.

Motion to adjourn; second. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Laurie Flynn

Acting Secretary for this meeting

Board meeting followed the Annual Meeting. New Board Members were welcomed. Motions made, seconded and voting followed for Board Officers: Dan Flynn was elected as the President, Mike Byrd as Vice President and Pam Miles as Secretary.

Mark Wnuk sought approval for pressure washing the pool area. A motion was made, seconded and approved for $300. This was the maximum as a not to exceed amount.

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