Board reminds neighbors to keep up with yard work

The Secret Woods board has been forced to send a few letters reminding neighbors to cut and clean their lots and one neighbor wants to build a bulkhead. Get all of October’s neighborhood news in the October board minutes.

Webmaster note: The July, September and October minutes were received Oct. 29. They have been consolidated in this post with the most recent appearing first. There was no board meeting in August.

Secret Woods Homeowners Association Board Meeting

Date: Monday, October 12, 2015

Board Members Present: David Theus, Pam Miles, Sharon Snow, Michael Byrd, Katherine Frazier and Mark Wnuk.

Certified Quorum: 6:30 p.m.

Approval of Previous Minutes: Minutes were approved by consent for September.

Consent Agenda: None.

Financials: Mark Wnuk presented the financials for September. Recurring bills were paid with the addition of $34.20 to Katherine Frazier.

Old Business:

* Renew Domain Name: Aaron Ward was not present for an update.

* Pool House Light: Dan was not present for an update.

* Pool House Painting, Fence Repair: Both have been completed by Tom Wooten.

* Umbrella Signs: David Theus has received the signs and will install in the Spring 2016 when pool season starts.

* Fall Chili Cook-off: The date is set for Saturday, October 17th from 4 – 7. Pam asked for board members to bring extension cords. Pam will purchase the 3 gift cards for prizes ($75, $50 and $25) along with drinks. Mike and Dave volunteered as judges. I will get a 3rd volunteer. Sign up sheets have been posted at the mailbox board.

* Bushes for Pool House Fence: Mark Lemmenes is working on the map. David Theus will follow up with Mark.

* Architectural Update: Homeowner wants to build a bulkhead. Motion by Michael Byrd and seconded by Katherine Frazier to approve the bulkhead. A letter will be sent by David Theus with the approval of the board. After some discussion, the homeowner will be responsible for the maintenance of the bulkhead/lawn to include the common ground area and the color of bulkhead will be natural looking.

New Business:

* Luminaries: Katherine Frazier will order the lumarinaries. The date for displaying/lighting the luminaries will be Saturday, December 19th.

* COJ Business Communications: Flo Clark brought some concerns about the issue with standing water over the meters.

Miscellaneous and Lot Concerns.

* Lot Concerns: Several letters sent to cut and clean lots.

Next meeting: November 9, 2015 at 6:30 to 7:30. Location TBD.

Meeting at adjournment at 7:20 p.m.


Secret Woods Homeowners Association Board Meeting

Date: Monday, September 14, 2015

Board Members Present: David Theus, Pam Miles, Sharon Snow, Michael Byrd, Katherine Frazier and Mark Wnuk.

Certified Quorum: 6:30 p.m.

Approval of Previous Minutes: Minutes were approved by consent for July. Correction price of safety cones was $65, not $165.

Consent Agenda: Pool permit received and posted. Handyman jobs completed at the pool by Tom Wooten. Back entrance lights repaired and working.

Financials: Mark Wnuk presented the financials for August. Recurring bills were paid with the addition of American Electrical (lights) $1,917 and Tom Wooten (repairs) $231.18.

Old Business:

* Renew Domain Name. Aaron Ward to handle. Motion by Michael Byrd and seconded by Sharon Snow. Motion carried.

* Projects Completed. Slow down signs were purchased; work was completed for bathroom door grates, broken pool tile, shower rope replacement, bathroom fan and light check. No motion needed to reimburse as all work was approved at prior board meeting.

* New Lock for Pool Fence. Motion by Pam Miles and seconded by Michael Byrd to reimburse Dan Flynn $50 for new lock. Motion Carried.

New Business:

* Pool Phosphates Level. Paradise Pools contacted Dan about high levels. This needed immediate correction, job was completed. Motion to by Pam Miles and seconded by Michael Byrd to pay $199 to Paradise Pools. Discussion. Levels are checked on regular basis, 3 times during pool season and 2 times during off season. Motion carried.

* Pool House Surveillance model with four camera. After discussion, we have tabled this for further review.

* Bushes for Pool House Fence. Motion by Sharon Snow to approve the purchase of 7 plants at $130 each, total $910 to cover the corner of fence to prevent people from climbing over the fence to the pool area, seconded by Katherine Frazier. Motion carried. Purchase is approved but put on hold until we receive the layout plan. The reasoning is that we may not want to place all the bushes, but only a few.

* New Pool Area signs. Several options for signs were presented. Motion by Michael Byrd to purchase “Close umbrellas after use”, credit card size plastic signs to each time for $50 each and expanded “Secret Woods Pool rules” for $100, seconded by Mark Wnuk. Final sign to be approved. Motion carried with Sharon Snow opposing. Motion by Michael Byrd to install second American Flag light for $25 with Dan Flynn installing, seconded by Sharon Snow. Motion carried.

* Pool House Painting. Tom Wooten has given us a price of $300 for labor and supplies of $140 with a total of $440 to paint the pool house. Motion by Michael Byrd to approve $440 to paint the pool house which would cover labor and supplies, seconded by Mark Wnuk. Discussion. Signs to be removed first and to paint the pool house with the same color. Motion carried.

* Filter Replacement for Pool. Motion by Michael Byrd to approve $645 at Dan’s discretion, pending actual need to replace the pool filter, seconded by Mark Wnuk. Discussion. Typically replaced every 2 years. Motion carried.

* Beautification of Entrance Islands. Motion by Sharon Snow to approve payment of $158.45 to Maryanne for the cost of flowers and materials for the entrance islands, seconded by Michael Byrd. Motion carried.

* Fall Chili Cook Off – Pam Miles has agreed to organize the chili cook off on October 17th. Final details will be discussed at next board meeting.

Miscellaneous and Lot Concerns.

* Trailer at Chapel Wood yards.

* Parking lot pool area. Motion by Pam Miles to approve $30 for the purchase of new bulb by Dan Flynn, seconded by Michael Byrd. Motion carried.

Next meeting: October 12 at 6:30 to 7:30. Location TBD.

Meeting at adjournment at 7:45 p.m.


Secret Woods Homeowners Association Board Meeting

Date: Monday, July 13, 2015

Board Members Present: David Theus, Pam Miles, Sharon Snow, Michael Byrd, Aaron Ward and Katherine Frazier.

Certified Quorum – 6:30 p.m.

Approval of Previous Minutes: Minutes were approved by consent for April, May and June.

Financials: Mark Wnuk was not at the meeting to report on the June Financials. David Theus distributed the June Balance report that was emailed from Mark for board members.

Old Business:

•Annual Dues – All dues have been collected.

•Back entrance lights – Received estimate of $1917 from American Electrical. Motion by Katherine Frazier to approve and seconded by Michael Byrd. Motion carried.

•Pool Pressure Washing – Work has been completed.

•Pool Deck chairs – Tabled until next board meeting.

•Renew Domain name – Aaron Ward did the research. Cost will be $135. He will have more updates at next board meeting.

•Satellite dishes – We will address with a mail box sign and in a letter to everone at the next mass mailing.

New Business:

•Slow down Signs for Neighborhood – More signs are needed. Motion by Michael Byrd and seconded by Aaron Ward to purchase 4 more signs at a cost of $65. Motion carried.

•Protocol for Meetings – David Theus covered how the protocol for the meetings.

•Ideas from April Meeting – After discussion, motion by Michael Byrd, seconded by Aaron Ward to approve up to $300 for handyman to repair bathroom fans, purchase/install air vents, kick plates and purchase/install yellow bug lights at mailbox area. Motion Carried. Also, motion by Pam Miles, seconded by Michael Byrd, for up to $500 to install sod by retention wall and any repairs to irrigation system (Dan Flynn will obtain bids). Motion carried.

•Meeting Place – Tabled until September’s board meeting. Cost would be $25 a meeting to hold board meetings at Burrells Day Care starting in September.


•Sign at Pool House – The pool house sign was vandalized recently. Joe Miller will obtain information on fixing the sign at the pool house.

Next board meeting will be on Monday, August 10th. The meeting will take place at the residence of David Theus.

Meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.

Board members. If you have any corrections for the minutes please submit to David ASAP. I will forward to all members for approval. If there are no corrections within three (3) days of the next meeting the minutes be deemed APPROVED.

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