Front pond pump ordered; child bitten by neighborhood dog


A new fountain pump has been ordered for the neighborhood’s front pond and a child has been bitten by a neighborhood dog. Get all the neighborhood news in the January board minutes.


DATE OF MEETING: January 4, 2016

LOCATION: 3125 Chapelwood Lane

BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: David Theus, Katherine Frazier, Mark Wnuk, Mike Byrd, Aaron Ward, Sharon Snow.

NEIGHBORS PRESENT: Byron DeLong, Robert Barrington, Marianne Pophal and Dave Hargnett.

Meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. The minutes from the December 2015 board meeting were accepted as

written. The financial statement prepared by Mark Wnuk was accepted as written.


RENEW DOMAIN NAME: Aaron has been working diligently with Bill Botzfield and Joe Miller to renew our Secret Woods

Homeowners Association domain name. Papers are being signed, the fee of $100 approved to be paid, and the domain name will be secure for up to 8 years.

LUMINARIA EXPERIECE: A wrap-up was discussed, with ideas for a smoother distribution. A huge congratulations to our neighborhood as we had 100% participation. Thank you!


POOL PUMP REPLACEMENT: The front pond pump is not working, however is under warranty. A replacement pump has been ordered with the only expenditure being the installation charge of $260.

ANNUAL DUES NOTICE: Dues will remain at $350/year per household with the notice being sent on March 1, 2016.

NEW SPRING FOR POOL HOUSE DOOR: Piner’s Lock will be called to repair pool house door. Discussion regarding going to a card system in lieu of our current key system. Tabled until next month.


LOT CONCERNS: Several letters are being sent this week to homeowners regarding the upkeep of the yards, and the regulations regarding building a structure.

DOG PROBLEMS: A child was bitten by a neighbor’s dog in December which resulted in much discussion regarding the city ordinance as well as our neighborhood association restrictions. Letters are being sent to several dog owners who regularly disregard these regulations.

ITEMS FROM BOARD MEMBERS: No items were presented at this time to be addressed at next month’s meeting.


DATE: February 1, 2016, 6:30 – 7:30pm

LOCATION: David Theus house, 3125 Chapelwood Lane

With all matters discussed and no further business at hand, the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Katherine Frazier

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