Board Picks New Pool Maintenance Company

The Secret Woods board reports ASP no longer services Jacksonville area pools so the board has chosen another pool services provider. The details along with the rest of this month’s neighborhood news are in the March minutes. 

Secret Woods Homeowners Association Board Meeting – Monday, March 11, 2024 Time: 6:30 Online Meeting via Zoom

  1. Certify Quorum: Laurie, Skip, Rick, Rebecca, Linda, Casandra and Carty
  2. Call to Order: 6:47 p.m.
  3. Approval of Previous Minutes: approved
  4. Financials
    1. Report: $32, 235 in savings. 4 dues have already been collected. The insurance estimate will be available at the end of March. The cost last year was around $6000.
  1. Old Business:
    1. Neighborhood Ponds: Seeking proposals from other vendors. Solitude treated the ponds. We will see if there is improvement.
    2. Yard of the Month Sign: Beautifully restored! Thank you, Byron!
    3. Update on past violations: One Letter sent from Attorney (Boat), One email sent (Boat), One letter sent (Boat). The boats have all been moved. Linda has paid the attorney fees for the letters.
  1. New Business:
  1. Webmaster Neighbor Requests: Erin from the ARC joined the meeting. She will be given access to the website to upload a form for neighbors to fill out that the ARC will use when making recommendations to the board. The goal is to have continuity in the neighborhood with colors. Erin will send a form to Skip that details which information she needs from contractors on relevant project forms.
  2. Follow up with neighbor who built a patio 2 years ago: was request sent to ARC? Did Board approve?
  3. Discussion of documents to add to our website. (ARC request form, pool waiver form) Laurie to forward a potential form for ARC requests to the board.
  4. New windscreens for the tennis court: Laurie and Linda will get estimates.
  5. Pressure washing the pool and tennis court area: (Propose to use Jax Pro H2O again)
  6. The board voted to use DiIorio Property Services to paint the tables at the pool The cost is $1,155.00 and will remain so if the painting is done in March. The pressure washing will be done before the tables are painted and will be scheduled soon.
  7. Reminder letter Re: compliance will be sent along with annual dues notice this year. Dan will send the letter to the board.
  8. Update directory for printing on cardstock and delivery to neighbors.
  9. Division of Corporations: Due in September. This will be taken care of after the annual meeting, so the fee will not have to paid twice due to new board members joining in May.
  10. Insurance: Linda. Brown and Brown will provide an updated estimate by the end of the month.
  11. New Pool Company: Laurie. ASP no longer services Jacksonville. The new pool company is called OB Breeze, and is staffed by many of the same people who worked for ASP. Laurie will figure out how to route payments.
  12. Maintenance of front entrances: Discussion of paying our current service Look at that Lawn Care to maintain the entrances. Thank you, Mark L. for your many years of keeping the entrances to Secret Woods beautiful.
  13. Maintenance: The area of fence along Goodnow Rd. is owned by Lot 1, but the area against the fence is an easement, so the city will trim the area.
  14. Cell Tower: The cell tower is due to be repaired in March.
  15. Dogs: Unleashed dogs are becoming a problem in the neighborhood. Please keep dogs leashed at all times and pick up all pet waste! This is required by the city of Jacksonville, and the neighborhood covenants. Letters will be sent to homeowners that do not follow these rules.


  1. Miscellaneous and Lot Concerns
  2. Violations: Discussion about an air conditioner that can be seen from the road in a 2nd story window. A window unit is permissible if it has been previously approved. Will be investigated.
  3. Architectural Review Committee: The board was briefed by Erin G. at the beginning of the meeting.
  4. Items from Board Members & Guests: Discussion about the dump on Bowden Rd. Rick filed a complaint. The case was closed, but nothing has been done.


  1. Next Meeting:

Date:               Monday April 8, 2024 6:30 pm

Via Zoom


  1. Adjournment: 7:51 p.m.
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