Neighborhood Basketball Backboard Approved For Repair

The Secret Woods Board has approved funding to repair the cracked basketball backboard at the neighborhood center. A tentative date for the annual meeting has also been set. See this month’s board minutes for all the neighborhood news.

Secret Woods Homeowners Association

Board Meeting – Monday, July 6, 2020 Time: 6:00 to 7:00 p.m.

Online Meeting via Zoom



  1. Certified Quorum- Tracy, Dan, Rebecca, Velma, Jenny
  2. Called to Order- 6:09 pm
  3. Approval of Previous Minutes– (June 1, 2020)
  4. Financials
    1. Report: Gary- expense sheet matches with checking account. Gary will check on the CD change. Received 125 on time HOA payments. One property is in foreclosure and the HOA dues haven’t been paid in years. There was a discussion on whether we are able to collect the overdue fees when the board is sent an Estoppel letter. Board will investigate once the purchase has been made.
    2. Audit: Status (Debbie’s accounting). Sharon took FY18 for an audit at $330. Think should do separately FY19 & FY20 ($660). Dan believes that there are 2 years worth of auditing that need to be done. Fiscal year 2021 started May 1st.
    3. Discussion on replacement for treasurer. No recommendations for a replacement.


  1. Old Business
    1. Mail: Package Box 1254A is still out of commission. A work order has been created.
    2. Pool Leak: Pool leaks only when water above gutter at 5’6” marks. Dan applied Epoxy putty and it lessened the leak.
    3. Lot 97: Dan emailed JPMChase’s lawyers with lien attached so SW is not dismissed. There have been complaints about the edging on the property.
    4. Neighborhood Library: Nate Lee will work with Julie’s husband to install the book library near the mailboxes.
    5. Sod: Dan & Laure planted 70 blocks of sod used $149.80 of $550 approved.
    6. org: Documents need to be submitted in August by Jenny. Will submit after the annual meeting when new officers are brought in.
    7. Annual meeting: Monday August 3rd (could be later depending on virus numbers and other factors). SPBC. Disinfect, Masks, temperature, hand sanitizer, distancing, Proxies – old or all new? Envelopes ($20), stamps ($77), touchless infrared thermometer ($60), hand sanitizer ($10), masks ($11), disinfectant ($4),  gloves (tbd). Approved NTE $500 for supplies and potential sanctuary with video operator expense.
      1. Southpoint Baptist Church has arranged the chairs in the community room to promote social distancing. There are 60 chairs total. The chairs will be disinfected.
      2. A mask will be required, social distancing, hand sanitizer stations, temperature check upon arrival.
  • 3 people will be needed. 2 people for check in. 1 person to check temperatures.
  1. Because dues have already been collected, the board can notify residents 15 days in advance of the meeting based on the bylaws.
  2. We currently have 29 proxies from the meeting originally scheduled for May. Dan will send out new letters and ask for new proxies for the August meeting. The letter will emphasize the importance of submitting proxies. Tracy suggested including a sheet that asks all residents to indicate whether they are attending and if not submit proxies.
  3. Discussion on making the annual meeting a hybrid in person and on ZOOM in order to involve all residents. Dan will check with the church to see if we could use the sanctuary to potentially host the meeting there and have a hybrid video option for residents.
  1. Board status: Tracy kindly extended for a while. Julie resigned. Gary completed his 3 year tenure. Current board positions available- vice president, treasurer. 2 year spot, 1 year spot, 1 year spot. Board members are encouraged to reach out to their neighbors to ask them to join the board.
  2. Need New BBall Backboard: PRC’s was $660 + pad, then labor & shipping came over $1,400 when pad added. Alternate found: $450 backboard ( plus labor with HandyMan to install ($200). The backboard that will fit correctly is FT 210 style. This needs to be done through an authorized dealer in Jacksonville. Approved NTE $900 for backboard and installation- extra money approved in case the original estimate for install does not work out.
  3. Pool Operating Permit:
  4. Flag Lights: Lights are aligned


  1. New Business
    1. Reimbursements to Dan: $100 and $2.19 gifts, $22 stamps, $2.80 key to bugout, $149.80 sod, $21 for pool net- all approved by board.
    2. Pool Key: Need Dan’s name added at Piner’s. Gary is listed as an alternate on the key list so he needs to authorize Dan to be added to the list to make new pool keys. Dan will work with Gary about arranging a time.


  1. Miscellaneous and Lot Concerns
  1. Violations. Lot 97: Email with photo to JPMChase. Called Management Company – LMOA.
  2. Architectural Review Committee:  Two Roofs. Tree removal for safety- all approved.
  3. Items from Board Members & guests Velma brought up concern about needing to submit a drivers license and social security number after joining the board. Gary let her know that the reason for that is because the bank that the HOA uses needs that information so that all board members have access to the financial status of the HOA.


  1. Next Meeting – Annual Members Meeting

Date:                   Monday August 3rd or tbd, 7:00pm

Where :              SPB Church


  1. Adjournment 7:04 pm
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