February 2011 minutes

DATE: February 14, 2011
LOCATION: 3153 Secret Woods Trail West
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Gary Bassett, Katherine Frazier, David Hargnett, Ross Thompson and Rob Hagen.
NEIGHBORS PRESENT: Bryon DeLong, Mike Veltri

Meeting was called to order at 6:02pm. The minutes from the January 2011 board meeting were accepted as written. The financial statement prepared by Rob Hagen was accepted as written.


IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Dave Hargnett and Ross Thompson will continue with this project. Sadly Ross Thompson’s father passed away and this project had been put on hold until Ross returned.

FOUNTAIN REPAIR: Innovative Fountain Repair was called for both of our fountains. It was determined that the pump in the fountain of the small pond needs to be replaced. The board felt the range of possible expenditures was too broad to accept. Gary Bassett will meet with the company again to get a better feel for the cost to replace the pump. The board voted an expenditure of up to $1,500 for a new pump.

FOUNTAIN MAINTENANCE CONTRACT: Innovative Fountain Repair has also given the board a bid for a maintenance contract for both ponds. The contract consists of four visits per year to each pond and entails cleaning, checking, and maintaining the pumps. It does not cover the parts and labor if there is a mechanical breakdown. The cost of the contract is $350/per visit. After much discussion and realizing the need for continual maintenance on the pumps, the board voted to spend no more than $1,000 annually for a maintenance contract. Gary Bassett will speak to Innovative Fountain Repair and present what we feel is an equitable price.


ANNUAL MEETING: The Secret Woods Neighborhood Association Annual Board Meeting will be held on Monday, May 9, beginning at 7:00pm. Location to be announced. Letters, proxies, and annual dues notices will be sent to all homeowners during the first week of March.

DUES: The dues will remain at $300/per household and are due on or before May 31. A penalty of $50 will be assessed for unpaid dues beginning June 1.


SWIMMING POOL NET: Rob Hagen purchased a new net for the pool and will be reimbursed $23.58 for the purchase.

SPRING FLING: Discussion was held regarding the Spring Fling. It was decided that we get some fresh ideas from neighbors on what kind of event they would like to have. More to come…..

BUCKET TEST: Before the board has the expense of calling a swimming pool leak repair company it was suggested we have a bucket test to provide us with the information on if our pool is actually leaking. Rob Hagen has volunteered to conduct the “bucket” test.

MAIL BOX DESIGN PROJECT: The board is very interested in doing a small overhaul on the mailbox area, including removal of the white lattice, and repainting. Ideas and plans were shared and it was determined that we need to involve our neighbors. Ross Thompson volunteered to post a flyer on the bulletin board and ask our residents for their input and expertise in remodeling our mailbox area. Look for this posting on the bulletin board.

POOL DECK PAINT: It was brought to the attention of some of the board members that our pool deck needs to be painted. Another problem is the black stain that runs along the back side of the pool house that is caused from rain water running off the roof of the pool house. Installing a gutter and downspout along with painting the deck are all projects that need to be completed before the pool opens.

With all matters discussed and no further business at hand, the meeting was adjourned at 6:55 p.m.

The next board meeting will be held Monday, March 14, 2011, 6:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Katherine Frazier

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