Plans For Delayed Annual Homeowners Association Meeting Discussed

COVID-19 forced the board to delay the annual homeowners meeting but plans are in the works to reschedule it. You’ll find that and other neighborhood news in the May board minutes.

Secret Woods Homeowners Association

Board Meeting – Monday, May 4, 2020 Time: 6:00 to 7:00 p.m.

Online Meeting via Zoom



  1. Certify Quorum- 8 board members
  2. Call to Order
  3. Approval of Previous Minutes– (April 13, 2020)- approved
  4. Financials
    1. Report: Expenses and Balances. Final statement for fiscal year. Overspent by about $500. Gary proposed a budget for next year. Discussion to approve budget with current board.
    2. 2020/2021 budget approved with current board but is open to change with new board member
    3. What caused us to go over budget? There are no big concerns. We did put $5000 into savings so considering that we are in good shape
    4. Audit: Hasn’t been done in 2 years. Debbie’s accounting is open. Gary initiates an audit with them and will provide whatever they need.
    5. Dan has received almost all HOA dues. He will knock on doors for those he hasn’t received.



  1. Old Business
    1. Mail: Package Box 1254A pending. SWHOA Box pending. Dan asked the mailman to deliver mail to his home box.
    2. Pool Leak: ASP applied epoxy putty (no cost). Dan will apply
    3. Lot 97: No change in status. Letters just keep on coming. Another meeting set up in June.
    4. Neighborhood Library:. Needs installation. JEA 811 “call before you dig.” Meter to light sensor, sewer line?. How do we install it? Gary volunteered to install it when he got back in town.
    5. Irrigation: fixed leak in pvc. Thanks Dan! An elbow pipe was leaking so Dan dug it up and replaced it.
    6. Pool Flooding: Need to call APC. Fix of replace float valve in VaxPak. It was flooding on all sides. We need a quote to repair or replace.
    7. Sod & Pressure Wash: Board approved for another pallet of sod at $550. Thanks to Byron and family for the pressure washing! Dan will put sod down himself.
    8. Fence Repair: Around retention pond, Lot 1, black rail repairs. $6,426. Completing between 5/4 – 5/6. AS of today, lot 1 is done. We will need to pay the other half of payment once they are completed.
    9. org: Jenny- TBD. Waiting for the annual meeting.
    10. Annual meeting: Church might open on May 17th. How do we social distance at this meeting? Dan is hoping we can have the meeting in July.
    11. Tenure status: Gary and Tracy kindly extended until we have our annual meeting to elect new members.
    12. Insurance Renewal: for 2020 –2021- $6,380.78. Dan never received other options from Tracy. Tracy investigated another insurance quote for around $4300 and thinks it has the same coverage. Tracy proposed having a committee on a phone call to meet with the insurance company and then present to the board at the next meeting. Dan, Gary and Tracy will be on the call.
    13. Need New BBall Backboard: A piece has broken off. Called 3 companies. Pending. Julie voiced concerns over the backboard being a safety hazard. Dan has the backboard broken piece on his workbench. People are still shooting hoops even though it is missing a chunk. There are no pending cracks that pose a safety threat, it just looks bad.
    14. Pool Operating Permit: $325 to $418. Duval County DOH. Waiting for a letter from the department. Dan will call.
    15. Dan went to Bug Out to deliver the new key that they lost. They gave him a $30 credit for the next bill.


  1. New Business


  1. Miscellaneous and Lot Concerns
  2. Violations. Dan addressed a violation and the neighbors complied.
  3. Architectural Review Committee : Approval of new roof on Misty Creek- shingles and a little different color. Maintenance on home that owners are getting ready to sell.
  4. Items from Board Members & guests Rebecca observed that the pool shower was not working when she went to the pool. Dan will investigate.


  1. Next Meeting

Date:                   Monday June 1st,  6:00pm

Where :              ZOOM


  1. Adjournment- Motion to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 6:50 p=
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