Board Discusses Possible Changes To Proposed Amendment

At its June meeting, the Secret Woods Board discussed the possibility of introducing changes to a proposed amendment that was distributed to homeowners at the annual meeting in May. 



Secret Woods Homeowners’ Association

Online Meeting via Zoom

Monday, June 6, 2022



  1. Call to order: 6:30 p.m.


  1. Old Business:



  1. Amendment to the C & R: Discussion of holding another meeting to talk about potential changes to the amendment and getting board members to talk with neighbors. Addition of language to address estate sales, lease backs, and changing the two-year rental restriction to one year. The proposed amendment is going to be mailed out and neighbors will have the opportunity to provide feedback and leave their responses in the drop box at the mailboxes. The board will reconvene and discuss the comments, and the final revised amendment will be mailed out for owner signature of yea or nay. Soft date for return of feedback is July 11. The board will discuss the responses at the next meeting on July 18.


  1. Dues: 3 outstanding. One will be paid by June 10. Dan cannot get in contact with two owners. Is the next step to get a lien on the property?


  1. New Business:
  2. Contact information and updates: Laurie and Linda provided contact information to the board. Linda, the new treasurer, will meet with Matt and Dan to transition to her new role.
  3. ARC: What is the procedure currently in place to make changes to a residence? Is there a form? The board is going to come up with a color palette for the neighborhood. Should the neighborhood hire a professional management company to help?
  4. Complaints: Discussion of the procedures to file a complaint. Talk to the HOA president or a board member. The board needs to respond to neighbor complaints.
  5. Pool: Discussion of people at the pool that do not live in the neighborhood.
  6. New lights: There are beautiful new lights along the back entrance on Hilsdale Rd. Thank you, Skip!


  1. Adjournment: 8:00 p.m.


Next meeting:

Monday, July 18, 2022

Online via Zoom at 6:30 p.m.

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